July is here and we are loving it already...

Happy New Month Everyone and welcome to a new week.

Over the weekend, I was chatting with a very dear friend and in the course of our conversation,  he said, curvy girls give the best hugs. what do you think?

Did you know that hugging (and also laughter) is very effective at healing sickness, loneliness, depression, anxiety and stress? Let me tell you a quick story.

This one time, I worked in an organization where I thought my boss didn't like me, half the time, it felt like I was walking on egg shells while at work and I dreaded the moments she would scold me over things I did wrong or expectations I didn't meet. At some point, I went through a deeply hurting, personal emotional phase and she found out about it.

The following morning, she called me to her office, I was already wondering what I did wrong and was preparing my mind for an early morning round of scolding. She got up from her seat as I walked into her office, told me in very few words that she knew what I was going through and gave me a long, warm hug, I could even see some tears gather in her eyes as she did. That hug, that hug was EVERYTHING! For a moment, I went from being shocked, to wondering why I ever thought she didn't like me or didn't care about anyone, to loosening up and crying on her shoulders. I felt loved, appreciated, wanted, safe and secured → The power of a hug!

People suffering from depression would be a lot more relieved and better if they got more kind hugs, friendship bonds grow stronger with sincere hugs, heart health improves, moods can be elevated with hugs, stress alleviated with simple, sincere hugs. Don't be selfish with it please.

So, whether you are a curvy girl, man or a size 0, please give out a lot of hugs this week. You just may be saving a life or taking a friendship to the next level. 😉😉😉😉😉😊😊😊

And if you happen to see me anywhere this week, I would be glad to get a hug from you 😊😊💖

Have an awesome week!

Do you think curvy girls/ladies give the best hugs? let us know your thoughts on the comment section below. Thank you.


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