Oh Hey 👋😄😆😊😊😊,

It's been a wonderful week here;  fair weather , rains , sunny and it's officially summer somewhere else too Happy Weekend.

I just thought to share a few Ks with you that I wrote and read to myself every once in a while, I hope this brightens your day and motivates you in some way. They are;

Keep dreaming:  How big are your dreams and aspirations? Do they scare you, do they challenge your core, does it look like it is so far fetched? However big your dreams, goals and aspirations in life are, they can come true. just keep working at it one day at a time and trust that it will happen.

Malcolm Forbes once said, "when you cease to dream, you cease to live", so keep dreaming because, no matter how much you have achieved,  there is always something better, new heights to attain,  more profitable opportunities. Remember, Lupita Nyong'o said that no matter where you are from, your dreams are valid and yes they are!

 Keep your confidence: On of the many challenges we face in life daily is staying true to ourselves and just staying real in a world that constantly paints a picture of who and what you should or should not be. so here, make a conscious effort to stay confident, you can only do this if you believe in yourself and always know that you are the best there will ever be.

Keep the right company: Whether we accept it or not, the company we keep often leaves an impact on who we become and our choices as well. So, before you start hanging out, spending quality time with people whether as friends, acquaintances, dates, lovers , colleagues, be sure they are the right company,  that will leave you a better person than you were.

Keep working at being better: This here is what I tell myself everyday. I can be better, I can do better, I can win better, I can sing better, I can write better, I can reason better... Just keep working at being better than the person you were yesterday.

Keep it simple: Life is complicated enough, do not add or encourage any unhealthy dramas in your life. Keep it simple.

Keep it together: Everyone goes through stuff every once in a while, do not fall apart during those phases of life. Let hope come alive in you and have some faith and if it has to do with a loss, it can be hard, I know, but make an effort to keep it together and manage a smile. It makes all the negative forces around you wonder what you are up to.
keep dreaming. 

You can be the best version of you.

Enjoy your weekend and if you enjoyed reading this post, please share it on your social media timelines.  Thank you.


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