I received some messages from some readers on my last post (The devil called domestic violence) requesting to know exactly how to identify a potentially abusive relationship and I am glad to share a few tips with you and hope all the people who asked will get to read this.

There is no signage on the face of an abuser to let you know that he is dangerous and that you are in or about to go into an abusive relationship but here are a few warning signs that scream "get out while you still can!" They are:

  1. Disrespectful: If he disrespects his mother, sisters, female colleagues and bosses, it is only a matter of time, he will definitely start disrespecting you and yours will be worse. Check if his mother and sisters are scared of talking to him or the females around him are afraid of him. Respect is different from fear. If he exhibits attitudes that show that he does not believe a woman can say anything smart or intelligent, then girlfriend, you need to run as fast as your legs can carry you.
  2. Controlling: This is one behaviour that can not be hidden for very long. Once the guy feels that he has won your heart, he will attempt to dictate how you spend your day, he will chose your friends and pressure you to disassociate from the ones he feels are potential threats to him and to your relationship. He will dictate whose number should be on your contact list and  whose shouldn't, how much you should spend on what, whose calls you should pick and whose you should not, He will also want to be a deciding factor in every little or major decision you try to take. It's alright to guide our partners when we feel that they are not doing the right things or taking the right decisions, but you will know when it is going overboard. 
  3. Manipulative: Abusers are masters of manipulation. They are experts at making you feel that it was your fault when they went off and screamed at you or got violent with you.  What this does  is give you a feeling of guilt and you ultimately start blaming yourself and making excuses for his abusive behaviour towards you.
  4. Fear: if you are afraid of your partner or the guy who is asking you out on a date or asking for a relationship, and you have tangible reasons for this, maybe his body language, intimidation, or who you think he is and what you think he can do to you, you do not need to be in that relationship . In no time, you will loose your self esteem and you don't want to be that girl with a terribly low self esteem. 
  5. Violence: if he beats up his security guard, his driver, his cook , sisters or anyone at the slightest provocation, then it's not going to be any different with you, it's just a matter of time.
I will do a little more  research on this and add more point in my next post. 
Ladies, you deserve the best, don't settle for less.


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