The drive home seemed like eternity, the street lights creating a beautiful silhouette of a few  cars as they sped past but none of that mattered now, the silence was becoming stroppy by the minute and Trish decided it was time to break it, albeit, calmly too. “Baby, I am very sorry, I didn’t mean to spoil the beautiful time out with you and your friends please, I just felt it was…”,  “You always feel this or that Trish, so keep your apologies. This is why I hate to go out with you” Jake snapped, “you are a kill-joy Trish, that’s why I am so tired of you, tired of this farce we call marriage, and wait a minute! Can you explain why you were flirting with Zach right in my presence? ” Jake continued, “Oh God, please not tonight” Trish prayed silently. 

  “Is your tongue now stuck to your gums Trish or am I talking to a ghost?” Trish turned to look at Jake, she opened her mouth to speak, she saw his right hand raised and swung towards her face, there was no time to dodge, the back of his palms and all five fingers hit her straight in the face, and it felt like a metal had just been rammed into her face. “Please Jake, don’t do this I beg you, all I did was respond to your friend’s innocent compliments, you know I would never imagine cheating on you, “ Trish said amidst tears, she wondered what would happen when they got home. She wished she could disappear at that moment, her face burned like hell.

Kneeling as soon they stepped into the living room,  Trish apologized again and again, her mother raised her properly the African way and it was no big deal to kneel and apologize to one's spouse.  Jake’s fury was building up and this scared her even more. “I just wish I kept quiet Oh God!” Trish thought as she continued pleading with Jake to calm down. He must have said a lot of things which she clearly did not absorb, he could say anything as long as he would not beat her up tonight.  “I have always told you that you are worthless, you can't even give me a child, you are a harlot, you don’t have the slightest respect for me, and you dare to flirt with my friend in my presence?” Jake ranted, “This was getting too much, how could Jake even imagine that I would be interested in his friend?”  Trish knew he was an excessively jealous lover, before they got married, she thought he was just insecure and afraid of losing her but after their wedding, it became worse.  “ You think you can fool me, Adam told me that Zach has been admiring you since the first day he saw you and was even planning to approach you for a relationship before he discovered you were my girlfriend and then we got married. Who knows what you both have been doing  behind me?” Startled, Trish looked up at Jake, this was crazy, now she understood why he reacted like this. “I am shocked to hear this Jake, but please don’t make this about Zach, I know it’s all because I wanted us to come home, it was almost 12:30 a.m Jake…”, the slaps to her face cut her words short, she raised both hands to cover her face, she felt the blows to her neck, arms, shoulder, stomach, and thought for a second that she was going to die. 

The pain from the belt he now used to beat her up was unbearable. She screamed, cried, begged, tried to fight back but Jake was far too strong for her and not even the sight of the blood from her skin as he abused her could make him stop, She had looked forward to a night of passion, love, cuddles, intimacy,  this was the reason she even suggested that they leave the park in the first place but it was the least on her mind at this point. "Please Lord, don't let me die like this" She prayed in her heart.

To be continued...

Important: Please note that the reason I started this series and narrating these real life experiences here is to draw attention to the menace called "Domestic Abuse" and to encourage everyone who reads this to help victims of abuses whether physical, psychological, verbal, whatever kind of abuse. If we all say no to abuses and help the victims around us, we would have done a lot to curb this societal evil. If you are a victim of domestic abuse and would like to share your experience or seek advice, kindly send me a mail at

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