The incessant blare of car horns got the gate-man Abu scampering towards the gate, Jake drove into the compound with an obvious look of rage or so Abu thought. Abu knew he was in trouble already and approached him cautiously in a bit to explain and apologize about his delay in opening the gate at the first blare of his horn. “Is my wife back yet?” Jake asked as he shut the car door and looked up at Abu, “ye ye yes Sir” Abu stuttered. Today was a good day he thought but how come he didn't notice madam’s car parked two cars in front of his.

“Women really do work wonders” Trish thought as she giggled while setting the table for dinner. Jake arrived just in time and she was glad she was able to get his food ready just before he got back. She knew while they were still courting that Jake does not joke with two things - his food and his money.  The two sat down to dinner and talked about the day’s activities. It was going to be a beautiful evening and hopefully end in a passionate night. She looked forward to it.

Woman serving food
“Hello, Guy how far?” the voice at the other end of the phone asked, “Fine oo, where you dey?” Was Jake’s response in Pidgin English. “ Ï hope he is not planning on going out tonight” Trish thought , She really looked forward to spending quality time with her man, after all, it was a Friday night and they have not exactly had a good time in a while. She was engrossed in her thoughts and didn't even notice that Jake was off the phone and speaking to her, “pardon?” she muttered feebly, “get dressed, we are going out together tonight, my friends are waiting for us”  Jake said wondering why she was so lost in thoughts. “Alright”, she smiled as she rushed into the room to change into something nice, He was going out with her tonight. The night was still going well, she smiled again.  A few minutes later, they were on their way out. Jake looked breathe-takingly handsome in his jeans and T-shirts, he had stopped by to shave and have a haircut earlier that evening, Trish couldn't help admiring him. He was every bit her idea of a perfect man, at least physically.

Couples hanging out

The music was enticing and so was the aroma of well- spiced chicken wings from the grill a few meters away from where they sat. It was an open air garden, the wind caressed her face, nothing felt better than being in the company of her husband and enjoying this romance with nature, no one else on the table mattered. “ Ÿou look very lovely tonight Trish, you remind me of the song Lady in Red” Zach , Jake’s friend complimented, “Oh thanks Zach, you look lovely too” Trish responded with a smile. Even though she really didn’t like him but she had to pretend anyway, he was one of Jake’s best friends or partner -in-crime she supposed. Trish tried to participate in the discussions as they drank, laughed, and teased away into the night.
Couple in a car
 “It’s past midnight Honey, when are we leaving?” she whispered into Jake’s ears, he turned to look at her, shaking his head he stood up, shook his friends and mumbled some words to his friend and the ladies at the table before walking away, Trish scampered behind him. She was afraid she has just messed up the night for herself and Jake. “Why didn't I just keep quiet, why?” She kept asking herself. This was the last thing she wanted.

To be continued...

Photo Credit: Google 


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