It was 6 a.m., the chirpings of the birds woke her up and Trish was glad that what she woke up from was only a bad dream and not reality, she was covered in sweat even though the air conditioner was still on and working. There he was, lying beside her, still deeply asleep, she stared at him in admiration, he was still as handsome as he was when they first met, his snores have now become music in her ears, she lets out a weak laugh as she remembers their first night together and how she used a pillow to cover her ears from his loud snores.  “How and when did he change so much? “, “what can I do to bring back the Jake I fell in love with?” she asked rhetorically.   “Wake up girl! Get out of bed and go get the day started, you don’t want Jake to wake up to meet you in bed at this time” she told herself as she sprang up and out of the bed into the bathroom.

A couple in bed

Breakfast was ready and served just as Jake got to the dining table, Trish looked up and gave him a warm smile “Hi Baby, good morning. Did you sleep well?”, “Morning Trish, what’s for breakfast? I’m running late already” he responded quickly. She felt a bit disappointed, all she hoped for was a kind smile back. “Oats and scrambled eggs, just the way you like it” she responded with a grin. A few minutes later, they were both on their way to work in separate cars, she missed the days they went to work together and he would drop her off before heading to his office which was just a few blocks down the street from hers.

A couple at the dining table

 She looked forward with enthusiasm to her day at work as she pulls into the parking lot of the company where she worked as a sales executive. Here, she gets a smile back without making an extra effort to impress anyone, her colleagues have become her second family. Just watching everyone go about their daily activities was unusually fascinating to her, this was one of the very few places she could relax and completely be herself, Life didn't seem so fair but she was thankful still.

The hours went by so fast Trish did not realize so much time has passed already, she glanced at her watch and screamed in dread “6:45pm already?” why did the day end so soon she thought, She would give anything to extend the work hours so she won’t have to get home early. “Ah Ah, it’s not that bad Trish” she shrugged as she packed her bag, shut down her computer and walked to the car park. The very pleasant head of company security smiled as he uttered a “good night Ma” just as she drove out of the premises. She prayed silently, “Dear God, please don’t let this evening be another disaster”.

To be continued...


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