
Showing posts from August, 2014


The incessant blare of car horns got the gate-man Abu scampering towards the gate, Jake drove into the compound with an obvious look of rage or so Abu thought. Abu knew he was in trouble already and approached him cautiously in a bit to explain and apologize about his delay in opening the gate at the first blare of his horn. “Is my wife back yet?” Jake asked as he shut the car door and looked up at Abu, “ye ye yes Sir” Abu stuttered. Today was a good day he thought but how come he didn't notice madam’s car parked two cars in front of his. “Women really do work wonders” Trish thought as she giggled while setting the table for dinner. Jake arrived just in time and she was glad she was able to get his food ready just before he got back. She knew while they were still courting that Jake does not joke with two things - his food and his money.  The two sat down to dinner and talked about the day’s activities. It was going to be a beautiful evening and hopefully end in a passionate n


It was 6 a.m., the chirpings of the birds woke her up and Trish was glad that what she woke up from was only a bad dream and not reality, she was covered in sweat even though the air conditioner was still on and working. There he was, lying beside her, still deeply asleep, she stared at him in admiration, he was still as handsome as he was when they first met, his snores have now become music in her ears, she lets out a weak laugh as she remembers their first night together and how she used a pillow to cover her ears from his loud snores.  “How and when did he change so much? “, “what can I do to bring back the Jake I fell in love with?” she asked rhetorically.   “Wake up girl! Get out of bed and go get the day started, you don’t want Jake to wake up to meet you in bed at this time” she told herself as she sprang up and out of the bed into the bathroom. A couple in bed Breakfast was ready and served just as Jake got to the dining table, Trish looked up and gave him a war


Recently, I have been blessed to work with one of the most intelligent and savvy men I have ever known- My Boss at my training consulting job.  While listening to him a few days ago, I couldn't help but laugh so hard, learned a couple of lessons as well;  It was a story from his childhood which inspired him to become great and work hard to achieve all the successes he has achieved so far in life. I would like to share that story with you if you don't mind, you may learn a thing or two from it too although it may not sound as funny as it sounded hearing it from him directly. So,  he attended a public primary school in his local community somewhere in the South East Nigeria and two days to the end of the term, they would sing songs, dance and clap in the classes. The songs meant that in a few days, everyone would get their results, some people would go home happy having passed the term's exams while some would go home sad as a result of their failure. On the school's cl