Eleanor Roosevelt said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your permission", how true! It is very important that we maintain a high self-esteem if we want to make reasonable progress in  our lives. You may ask, What exactly is self-esteem?

Self esteem simply put is how you feel about yourself, how confident you are and how much you believe in your abilities.  Whether we have a high or low self-esteem reflects in everything we do, from our jobs, academics, approach to life issue and even to our relationships. A high self-esteem is the key to good mental, physical and spiritual strength.

Imagine walking into a job interview room with  low self-esteem written all over you, that is a guarantee for failure. Building a high self-esteem is a process especially if there were issues or circumstances in your childhood that made you grow up with the wrong perception and beliefs on who you are and what you can achieve in life.

Below are a few tips to help you develop a high self-esteem but you will have to consciously work on this so you can put more value on who you are and achieve all the successes you set for yourself whether short term or long term.

  1. Live your own life: Start by making up your mind to live your own life, Be you! Do not try to be someone else just because you want to be accepted, that is a clear indication that you do not feel good about yourself. Be proud to be you.
  2. Do Something you love and strive to be good at it. Do you remember how good it felt the last time you did something you really love to do? keep at it and be good at it. The thought that you are good at this thing you love to do just shoots up your self-esteem.
  3. Surround yourself with supportive & positive people: Keep the right friends and associates. People who are positive and always have the right attitude, this will rub off on you as they will not be willing to entertain any form of negativity from you.
  4. Do not compare yourself with other people: If you think you are in any kind of competition, make you are doing it to improve yourself not to beat someone else. 
  5. Love yourself and be grateful for all that God has given you today. Gratefulness has a multiplier effect.
  6. Stop blaming yourself for past mistakes rather learn from them and move on. My boss always says that there is no need crying over spilt milk, so blaming yourself  for past mistakes and allowing it eat up your self esteem can only destroy you not build you. 
  7. Do not dwell on what you cannot control. Handle the things you can and deal with them as they come and leave the ones you cannot control to God who can.
  8. Give more of yourself, your time, your finances. Any positive thing you do makes you feel good and this raises your self-esteem. You may think about giving to charities, spend time helping an old neighbour or relative or making a child happy.
  9. Work out regularly, exercises are important.
  10. Concentrate on your positive qualities: For instance, if you think you are stubborn, look at the positive side of that which means you are a persistent and dependable person. I have a friend who some people think is rude but she is one person I can count on that she's got my back. This is because I also know that she can fight anyone to protect my interest. Do not dwell on your inadequacies.
Remember, within your weakness lies your strength. Take responsibility and consciously work on yourself to achieve a high self-esteem and the skies may just be your stepping stones. *Smiles.


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