1 in every 20 women has experienced domestic violence in her relationship with a boyfriend, husband or family members and 1 in every 10 women have relatives or friends who are presently in abusive relationships.

Every two hours, a woman, girl,  child is being  assaulted or  beaten or coersed into doing something she does not want to do and if they attempt to fight back or rebuff, they may end up being killed,  maimed, disfigured and terribly traumatised.

It is sad that this menace is on the increase inspite of the efforts of the governmments of the world, law enforcement agencies, and organisations who strive to ensure that this very serious challenge is greatly reduced.

Domestic violence can happen to anyone so while you are cnsidering starting up a relationship with a guy, you may have to pay attention to the signs he exhibits especially during your initial dates and the first few weeks of your relationship.  An abusive man is not going to scream out "Hey, I am abusive and violent", but you can tell from his unguarded utterances, body language and reactions if you pay attention.  Constantly making excuses and forgiving his abusive behaviors early in your relationship  is like giving him a stamp of approval to continue being abusive and violent towards you and trust me, it gets uglier by the day.

Mothers need to spend more time educating their girls on the signs of abusive and unhealthy relationships so they can look out for these traits in any relationship they are going into.

Domestic violence is not only limited to women, some men men too are victims of domestic violence and theirs are even worse because they don't want to be considered weaklings if they complain that their female partners are abusive or violent towards them.

If you are in an abusive or violent relationship, you need to wake up and takes steps that would help you stay alive  and healthy. If it is with a boyfriend, then get out of that relationship because you don't need it. If it is with a husband, get marital counseling and if he refuses to change after series of counseling sessions, then you may have to consider separation or divorce. God doesn't like divorce we know but he doesn't like you allowing yourself to be sent to Heaven before your time either. If it is abuse in your work place,  you may have to report to the relevant authorities or start looking for another job if the abuser is the owner of the firm.

Our traditional institutions also need to speak out on this because most times they make it look like it is not a big deal. A friend of mine has an elder sister who was constantly battered by her husband and when she left her home, the elders of her extended family called a meeting and warned her never to leave her home on account of domestic violence, after all she didn't die they said.

Here in Nigeria, we have heard and watched many promising women who have lost their lives fom domestic violence and sadly some of the perpetrators of this barbaic acts are walking the streets a free men.

Speak out against domestic violence today. Help that girl that is constantly assaulted or beaten by her boyfriend, that woman that is living in fear with her husband needs your help, that little girl that is afraid to look her dad in the eyes or her mum's boyfriend or step father is silently begging for your help.

Please don't say No. It could be your sister tomorrow.


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