I love the month of November. I get excited because as soon as I step into November, I know the year is fast coming to an end. I also get mentally ready for all the holidays that come in December, I get excited too knowing that through my friends in the U.S.A, I can buy me all the stuff I need at half the regular price come Black Friday (I love discounts). LOL.

But then again, November is a reflective month for me and I'm sure it is for you too, it is stock- taking time. I spend time reflecting on my long list of New year resolutions, my goals and aspirations for the year and see how much I have achieved: How much I have grown in my career and in all ramification, how much weight loss and weight gain happened to me (Laughs). Sometimes, I get unhappy about the ones I have not achieved and try to work towards achieving it before the year ends depending on what the goal or aspiration was or is and sometimes it feels a little frustrating not achieving the ones I really tried to and then I remember what the Bible says that "The race is not to the swift neither is the battle to the strong, but its God that shows mercy" So I probably tried too hard and didn't let God help me with it. I also dance technically just realizing all the positive events, achievements, and blessings of the year and try to keep the momentum till the end of the year.

To have an excellent month of November and finish , we need to exhibit the right attitude towards life, career, relationships and all endeavours. Your attitude will take you to the very top and deliver all those seeming far dreams into your hands as tangible realities. Skills and knowledge are good but attitude added to them makes you competent and eventually successful in all you do and of course the grace of God too.

So this is to wish you all a very wonderful, eventful and productive November full of brighter and mega million dollar ideas and achievements that will move you to the next higher level of your life.


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