Days turned into weeks , weeks into months, and the months went by really fast, Christmas was a beautiful one for her, she got to visit her parents and siblings, it was so tranquil there, she got the kind of love and care she had missed so much the whole year, the local masquerade parades on new year day, the burning of tyres and the fireworks all added to the magic. She cried when she left her parents’ home back to Abuja.

Picture of Nigerian masquerades
 The episodes of violence, verbal abuses, psychological abuses and all the attendant drama  continued but she endured, she had gotten to a point where she didn't care what he did anymore, who he had an affair with, where he spent the night he did not sleep at home. All that mattered to her was her peace of mind and her desire to give birth to a baby, she longed to have her own child “I have to have something to show for all these years of torture” she thought, hoped and prayed every so often, the gynecologist had assured her that she would not lose another pregnancy if she took in again, he was going to do all he could within the bounds of medicine to ensure she got this one desire.  She knew her marriage was almost over and truth is, she had stopped caring.  Even though she loved Jake in a special kind of way, he had abused her so much, Trish lived like she was about to step on egg shells and was doing all she could to avoid it. With him she was complete, she loved the respect she got just by being a “Mrs.” And more so, Jake was well known in town so she had become call it “the cynosure of many adoring eyes”, people who looked up to her and Jake as role models, “if only they knew what went on behind the closed doors of their home” Trish jeered in solitude.  

Jake’s call on her mobile phone halted her raving thoughts, He wanted to know if she will be home early and to tell her not to include him in dinner plans, he was going to eat out that evening.  Trish heaved a sigh of relief and continued her work. “Hello Madam, please call me” , the housekeeper had sent her a text message. Trish knew what it was about, Jake was home early and had brought home one of his lovers again. The housekeeper and the gate-man Abu had promised to call her to come and witness her husband’s betrayal and utter disregard for their home and marriage. She didn’t want any trouble, she was tired. She ignored the message and went on as if she couldn't be bothered.

A club
10 p.m., 11, midnight, 1 a.m… no sign of Jake, he was sleeping out again tonight . Trish called his phone and his friend Adam answered her call, the noise on the background was deafening. “Trish, he is on the dance floor, I’ll tell him you called when he comes back to the table” before she could say another word, he hung up. She couldn’t hold back the tears, this was not what she envisaged her life and marriage would  be like. She had tried everything from talking respectfully with him, seeking counselling sessions with his uncle, his mentor and even the pastor of their local assembly, she had prayed all the prayers she knew how, and sometimes,  she asked herself rhetorically what she did so wrong to deserve what her life with Jake had become. Her only pleasant moments were now her hours at work and in church, moments spent at the hair salon and spa, visit to the very few friends she was allowed to visit occasionally and the few visits to her hometown.

Trish heard the door open , still sleepy, she raised her head from the sofa to see Jake walk into the house. She noticed she had slept off on the sofa again. She turned to glance at the clock on the wall, it was one of the gifts on their wedding day, it was 5:15 a.m.  He walked past her as if she was invisible and straight into the bedroom. Trish had enough, she couldn't keep quiet anymore, she followed him.

“Jake, I’m just wondering when all these will end” She said as calmly as she could, she tried to hide the spite she felt towards him at that moment.  “One more word from you woman and I will throw your things out right this minute “was Jake’s sharp response to her.  “I am tired Jake, I really am” She smiled and turned to walk away when she felt a blow to her head, she remembered thinking that she just died. Everything went blank and dark.

End of story...atleast for now LOL.

Guess what happened to Trish… if you would like the continuation of this series, post your comments here on the blog and let us know what you think happened to Trish.  Domestic violence is an evil that has to be stopped, please help a victim and if you are one, seek help from authorities. 


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