
Showing posts from September, 2014


Days turned into weeks , weeks into months, and the months went by really fast, Christmas was a beautiful one for her, she got to visit her parents and siblings, it was so tranquil there, she got the kind of love and care she had missed so much the whole year, the local masquerade parades on new year day, the burning of tyres and the fireworks all added to the magic. She cried when she left her parents’ home back to Abuja. Picture of Nigerian masquerades  The episodes of violence, verbal abuses, psychological abuses and all the attendant drama  continued but she endured, she had gotten to a point where she didn't care what he did anymore, who he had an affair with, where he spent the night he did not sleep at home. All that mattered to her was her peace of mind and her desire to give birth to a baby, she longed to have her own child “I have to have something to show for all these years of torture” she thought, hoped and prayed every so often, the gynecologist had assured h


If you have to text, call or like his/her post on a social network just to remind someone you are in love with that you still exist, then they are PROBABLY not for you. Love yourself enough to understand that nothing and no one is too good for you. You deserve the very best!


Tired and drained in her blood, sweat and tears, Trish dozed off on the sofa, she was weary from all the beating, the crying and screaming, her head and her whole body throbbed with unbearable pain, she was in dire need of some very potent pain-killer medication.  The neighbours downstairs Mr.  & Mrs. Anderson had stopped banging on their door, they both feared for Trish’s safety especially when they didn’t hear her cries anymore. “Has he finally killed her, When will Jake stop beating Trish up at the slightest provocation? “ Mrs. Anderson thought for a moment, the police! Why didn't she call the police? An abused woman The alarm went off at 6 a. m, Jake turned in the bed, stretched out his hands to stop the alarm and then he remembered! he had lost it again, the temper had taken over his senses. He walked to the living room and saw Trish curled up on the sofa still asleep, the sight of her, her swollen lips, the bruises on her arms and shoulder, the marks from the bel


The drive home seemed like eternity, the street lights creating a beautiful silhouette of a few  cars as they sped past but none of that mattered now, the silence was becoming stroppy by the minute and Trish decided it was time to break it, albeit, calmly too. “Baby, I am very sorry, I didn’t mean to spoil the beautiful time out with you and your friends please, I just felt it was…”,  “You always feel this or that Trish, so keep your apologies. This is why I hate to go out with you” Jake snapped, “you are a kill-joy Trish, that’s why I am so tired of you, tired of this farce we call marriage, and wait a minute! Can you explain why you were flirting with Zach right in my presence? ” Jake continued, “Oh God, please not tonight” Trish prayed silently.    “Is your tongue now stuck to your gums Trish or am I talking to a ghost?” Trish turned to look at Jake, she opened her mouth to speak, she saw his right hand raised and swung towards her face, there was no time to dodge, the