
Showing posts from July, 2013


Hey Guys, I am glad to be back here having been away for so long. I had some things I needed to take care of and that took a lot of my time. Thanks to everyone who sent emails and tweets to find out why I have been quiet on the blog. So I heard his sad news that our Nigerian Legislators have passed a bill that implies that they are in support of under age marriages and I was so appalled. Questions I have been asking are: > Were there no women in that assembly? And if there were, did they honestly support this bill? >  What happened to our sense of responsibility, dignity, pride and integrity seeing that our well-respected law makers are supporting something that is clearly wrong? > Is this the future we truly want to carve for our children? > Have they thought about the effects and repercussions these decisions will have on the girl child in the Nigerian society? Truly the questions are endless, but beyond all the noise about this, I sincerely look forward to he